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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Teach Them Young and Hope It Sticks

Our Morning Walk Thru the Village

As we wander about Atchison Village on our at least once
and sometimes twice-daily walks we find lots of litter.
Picking it up just makes sense...

After those daily walks, a nap in a homemade quilt
hits the spot like nothing else ever will.


  1. So cute! Good on you teaching him this early in his life. Who knows...maybe he'll create a machine to compost all the garbage of the world. (Forgot about Skype thrusday-sorry.)

  2. Being a responsible citizen can be exhausting. Good thing he has a special quilt and a cuddly friend to nap with.

  3. Can't decide who's more comfortable in that picture.

  4. When he received a toy garbage truck for his second birthday he was beyond ecstatic !~! This year we sent him a forklift with hydraulic uppy-downy motion.
