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Friday, December 23, 2016

Want List and Need List

Life contains lots of lists: grocery, chores, guest, monthly budget items...

The want list of holidays as a kid.

The need list of the new mom or freshly minted apartment dweller.

The lists in my life at this moment are empty. There is nothing I need or want. It's an incredibly freeing feeling; one that I want to carry with me for a long, long time.

Peace-Within Our Reach

So much happened these last few months that putting it all into words eludes me.

Moving forward with a hopeful heart remains my only viable course of action.

Small babes with first-time parents look to me for sound advice, comfort and my attitude of cheerful optimism-offering anything less would be a huge disservice to them and their families.

So onward, thru the frogs, we go.

With gleeful abandon the babe loves his little "fort".

Have safe and productive holidays; may each step we take lead the way to Peace.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Lynda Loves a Baby !~!

Into my life since returning from my cross-country drive mid-June have come not one, two, or even three babies. Amazingly, five little individuals between the ages of five and seven months take up my weekdays and keep me enthralled and cheerfully wiped out by day's end. Two little lads and a trio of lassies-such an honor to be entrusted with them.

Thank you, families of woobers, 
I sincerely promise to do right 
by every one of them each time they are with me.

Giggles and slobber and gummy grins are moment-to-moment events in this intimate, cozy world.

Grip strength and accuracy improve as demonstrated by scratch marks and the fistfuls of my hair I disentangle from their flailing, grabby small paws.

Learning to sit uses brain power and the core muscles on which we have worked daily for months.

Passing objects from hand to hand with wonder-filled eyes--theirs and mine--confirms synapses are forming rapidly and correctly.

Eating those amazing foods which grace their family dinner table brings all their caregivers incredible diaper surprises.

I could not be happier.

Have a safe and peaceful December.

As always, thanks for spending a few minutes.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

#OaklandFire #OaklandWarehouseFire

Thoughts and condolences are sent out to all who have been touched by this tragedy in the Oakland Warehouse District Friday night December 2nd, 2016.

Thirty-six people were lost in the fire. is collecting donations for the victims, families and others affected by this horrific event.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Hello Again-Been a While-New Hat

Post # 250 !~! Wow.

So much has happened...

So I crocheted a new hat for my newest woober-Pepper !~!

Karen's new birthday bracelet makes an appearance in this pic !~!

Cute but too small for any except Pepper.

Isn't he adorbs ?~! So much personality.

Remember Ginger from a few years ago when she and Piper used to sit on my lap
and crow "Two Babies, Lynda!" This little bubby is her brother.

Ginger is on the right. Can you see the resemblance ?~!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sunflower Bliss

This year's crop of sunflowers has outdone itself !~! The prettiest row of blooms in the entire courtyard has manifested itself at the edge of our lot. Look !~!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Home Looks Good These Days

After flying to Ft Myers in the far SW corner of Florida and then driving back to the Bay Area in the last two weeks, I am ready to walk for the next month.

For a long time, my best friend/soulmate and I have talked of retiring together and now that has happened. We are here together in northern California. Safely, after navigating an SUV across 3200 miles of freeway-just the two of us.

We stopped in Oklahoma and had a Lay Day while getting to know my teenage grandkids. How cool is that?

We saw petrified wood, waterfalls, a herd of wild horses. Enough trees in the green palette to last us a lifetime and the oranges and tans and browns of the desert provided a startling contrast.

So here we are, embarking on a new lifestyle. Sharing a home with my husband, trooper that he is !~! And a tiny service dog named Isabella Louise.

pictures to follow....

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Friday, May 27, 2016

Sunflowers are Getting Taller by the Day

We have planted a row of the tall, yellow-blossomed Sunflowers again. They are growing at an inch a day.

Yes, an inch a day.

 Sunday, May 22, 2016
 We were headed to a Party-hence the gorgeous dress !~!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

 Today, Friday May 27, 2016

We need to feed this kid more HGH !~!
She hasn't grown in five days, we're pretty sure.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Throwback Thursday-Piper Retrospective

Piper's sister was in a live performance when Piper was quite small and we could hear Piper laughing all over the theater when she saw Charlie for the first time in costume.

Piper will be eight this summer. Where have those years gone ?~!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

An Exciting Week Wraps Up

* New sewing machine arrives to replace the clunker I've used nearly every day for five year. Isn't it amazing what a hundred bucks will buy ?~! I bought the same model as the old one so all the accessories like bobbins and presser feet will fit. It's a Singer 2277. Simple, straightforward, easy to use... So Quiet !~!

* Successful Lemonade Stand with the Littles. A month-long project comes to fruition Thursday afternoon and is a rousing success.

* Fruit trees producing like crazy: cherries, blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, apples, grapes, lemons.

* Ornamentals: sunflowers, roses, calendula, poppies, rhododendron, hydrangea, miniature roses, wildflowers round the base of the Australian Boxwood, finally new leaves on the Weeping Copper Beech, field irises, night-blooming jasmine, aloe bloomed for the first time ever in thirteen years, jade tree drops pieces and they take root, Red Maple stuns everyone who walks past it, cedar tree stretches for sky-I think she thinks she's sequoia !~!

May is a great month-new growth everywhere and summer rushing in.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thanks to our Thirsty Neighbors

Lemonade Stand a Rousing Success

 The girls made signs - Lemonade Stand * Thursday Afternoon * By the Office

We hung them on telephone poles at kid height and one by the Office. 
(shown here)

And today was a sunny Thursday !~!
(l to r: Scout, Piper and Ginger)

One dad built the stand itself despite house-hunting on a tight timeframe.
The girls painted it to their own specs.
We picked Atchison Village-grown lemons and squeezed them.

And the thirsty came. 

Over thirty cups were served with the "Kid Special" lemon wedge,
a big spoonful of ice and homemade deliciousness.

And huge Smiles.

Thanks to all who came out and supported us.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Now it's got Borders, Too !~!

The yellow flannel border is also the backing so it'll be soft and cuddly.

It's a Flimsy-What do you think?

Many Thanks to my Holder-In-the-Wind, Scout.

edit: I may detach, flip and re-attach those last two rows.
Those sailboats need to be "not on the bottom row".

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Baby Blanket in the Pipeline

The rough draft. Turtles, sailboats and planets. Sunflowers because: Sunflowers.

Some changes have already been incorporated and the top is two-thirds complete.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Our Yard Blooms with Color and Scent

First fruits: blueberries and lemons and apple blossoms.

Photobombing CatCat 2.0 with the smaller blueberry bush.

Scout in the nectarine tree. Already small fruits abound.

(Pic of a pic) Burp with the Tonka we sent him for Easter.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

A Few Pieces out for Sale

Ten days ago, I put six of my pieces out for public consumption-first time !~!

A small café, Aky's, near our refinery is owned by a kind and supportive woman who offered to let me put a few pieces into display bags with labels and prices and hang them on her tree of hooks.

I ordered from Vistaprint a packet of four different printed pieces: two-sided business cards, round stickers, rectangle stickers and one-sided 4x6 postcards. I put a postcard into the back side of each bag and a business card and one or two of the stickers on the front of each bag: the square one in the upper right hand corner with the price on it. I will go back this week and see if any have sold. 

Happy Cinco de Mayo

A large portion of why I am here instead of my beloved Tropics is cultural diversity. The Tropics, at least where I was, are a cultural wasteland and completely white bread, mostly Republican and retired. No Thanks.

Even the prospect of not swimming in the warmest salt water ever again wasn't enough after thirty years.

In light of that multiculturalism 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Gratitude - Need to Remember it Every Day

What makes me so grateful 
that I must share ?~!

  • My husband of over thirty years.
  • My nearby daughter.
  • My faraway daughter and her beloved family.
  • My sisters-of-other-mothers across the world.
  • My home and neighbors.
  • My Littles and their amazing families.
  • My health care team.
  • Our Internets-without them I would be so incredibly bored and not nearly as smart.
What are you thankful for in your life ?~? 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Spring Arrives with a Sunny Smile

A quadruple rainbow by Amanda Curtis. 

Remarkable, don't you think ?~!

Sun coming thru the atmosphere on Pluto;

think how far away this photo was taken !~!

Our first sunset on Mars

incredible, isn't it ?~!

Thanks NASA.