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Friday, December 23, 2016

Want List and Need List

Life contains lots of lists: grocery, chores, guest, monthly budget items...

The want list of holidays as a kid.

The need list of the new mom or freshly minted apartment dweller.

The lists in my life at this moment are empty. There is nothing I need or want. It's an incredibly freeing feeling; one that I want to carry with me for a long, long time.

Peace-Within Our Reach

So much happened these last few months that putting it all into words eludes me.

Moving forward with a hopeful heart remains my only viable course of action.

Small babes with first-time parents look to me for sound advice, comfort and my attitude of cheerful optimism-offering anything less would be a huge disservice to them and their families.

So onward, thru the frogs, we go.

With gleeful abandon the babe loves his little "fort".

Have safe and productive holidays; may each step we take lead the way to Peace.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Lynda Loves a Baby !~!

Into my life since returning from my cross-country drive mid-June have come not one, two, or even three babies. Amazingly, five little individuals between the ages of five and seven months take up my weekdays and keep me enthralled and cheerfully wiped out by day's end. Two little lads and a trio of lassies-such an honor to be entrusted with them.

Thank you, families of woobers, 
I sincerely promise to do right 
by every one of them each time they are with me.

Giggles and slobber and gummy grins are moment-to-moment events in this intimate, cozy world.

Grip strength and accuracy improve as demonstrated by scratch marks and the fistfuls of my hair I disentangle from their flailing, grabby small paws.

Learning to sit uses brain power and the core muscles on which we have worked daily for months.

Passing objects from hand to hand with wonder-filled eyes--theirs and mine--confirms synapses are forming rapidly and correctly.

Eating those amazing foods which grace their family dinner table brings all their caregivers incredible diaper surprises.

I could not be happier.

Have a safe and peaceful December.

As always, thanks for spending a few minutes.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

#OaklandFire #OaklandWarehouseFire

Thoughts and condolences are sent out to all who have been touched by this tragedy in the Oakland Warehouse District Friday night December 2nd, 2016.

Thirty-six people were lost in the fire. is collecting donations for the victims, families and others affected by this horrific event.