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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Pretty Creations for the Eyes

The need to see what I have created over these last years
has overtaken my good sense !~!
Let's take a gander down memory lane...

In Memory of my Late Father

my Aqua Balloon Throw 

my Daughter's Spoils

Lots of other pieces and a Baby Pic for Fun 

Thanks for taking this journey with me.

Happy New Year

May each step we take Lead to Peace

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Busy, Anyone ?~!

Wow !~! Nearly a month has passed since I posted that photo of the Keys. So many years spent on or near those waters left indelible marks.

Memories of carrying our fresh water supply in brand new four-gallon gas cans still accompany me some nights when I'm feeling nostalgic and lying awake.

Water whispering against the hull, so unlike any other sound, lulled me to sleep year after year. Rowing each day kept my arms in remarkable shape.

Big birds, herons and egrets, landed on the roof to roost in the breaking dawn. Creaking oarlocks echoed across the still water as early shift workers rowed to shore to begin their days.

Teaching Iris to sail and row, to fish and grow filled the weeks and months and before we realized it she was in school and we needed to relocate.

I still miss experiences of those days but then we all do, don't we ?~! Our early lives when we didn't know how good we had it just seem to fall away and the future arrives while we are not looking. All our kids are over thirty; we've got great-grandkids; how'd it happen !~!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Memories of Lifestyles We No Longer Live

In 1992, we lived on a houseboat moored at Houseboat Row off Key West Florida. Our daughter was nearly seven. The day looks sunny and peaceful.

Hurricane Andrew was hellbent for leather and coming straight at us.

A picture taken by the late Dale McDonald shows us tied to the side of the Gale's. I'm squatting on their traveling dock, pulling  myself out to the house. I still wear the pink camisole top and a hat just like that one.

My dinghy is the long dark green one; the Lynda-boat is tied to the side of Lipsnatcher with the Yamaha 10hp tipped up. A couple more dinghies are dangling about in what appears to be a pretty calm tidal situation.

We were lucky, Andrew missed us and our family in Sarasota County at the time. Not so lucky--the Homestead and Everglades areas which sustained incredible amounts of damage. It took more than a decade before the place was back to what resembled normal.

Any memories of big storms you'd like to share with us ?~! Cita ?~!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité

 Standing in solidarity with justice and Paris in the aftermath of the attacks.

San Francisco City Hall

Sending Love and Prwayers to Paris vy @ borcikshop

Friday, November 6, 2015

Red is Everywhere

*      *      *
So it's technically Orange, but for today's purposes we're going with
Our Warriors are Champs and we are proud.
Thanks for a great season, guys.

( this is two years of fabric-what shall I do with it ?~! )

Linking with NTT at My Quilt Infatuation.

Word Mahjong

Rick, a game inventor, has developed an app for the Chrome browser called Word Mahjong. It's a Scrabble-Boggle-Pyramid Solitaire combination that is incredibly fun for word-hounds, among whom I count myself. And many of you all, too.

Have fun.

The beginning board for a game. Words of up to eight letters are accepted if they are in the current Scrabble dictionary. Uncovering new letters each time is how you strategize. Or not !~!

My current best score is 771; last game I scored 666.
Yeah, I thought so too. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

My Buddy and I have a Great Couple Days

We have had an excellent few days,
My Buddy and I. 

We've eaten enough pizza
for the next month.
Studied the Middle East and learned
the names of those countries.

The World Series Game 2 thrilled us
for a couple hours last night.

Now we're watching Food Truck Race
and loving it.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Birthday Girl Loves Her New Quilt

It was during the London Olympics that I did my first Disappearing Four Patch quilt AND hand quilted it.

Scout joined our little band of happy Kids several years ago when she was still in dipes and napping every day. Now she's five, in Kinder and outta Pampers !~! Her plate-licking days may not be over, tho !~!

She builds Tall Towers with Lego, Duplo and blocks, rides trikes with a vengeance, and snuggles in for a nap with the nearest homemade quilt.

There is no resisting that grin, is there ?~!

Disappearing Four Patch--cool method of using simple squares and making them much more interesting.

One idea during the audition of sashing fabrics.

Ormond inspects.

After a few years of the blanket kicking around the house, Scout asked for it for her birthday, "I just love those colors, Lynda." Unable to resist, it has gone to be with Scout, her family and her pets. According to her mama it is her current favorite !~! A higher compliment cannot be asked for--so happy.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Lots of New Potholders and Trivets

An order for eight pairs of Potholder/Trivet combos came my way a week or so back. So I got to work and made them using log cabin squares that I had created and have been slowly using in various projects. Each potholder/trivet piece is three or four layers thick and one layer is heat-proof Insulbrite. (note to self-order two more yards !~!)

Over the years I have made many potholders-lots without the heat-proof lining. It truly is better to have a layer of that fancy stuff-it helps a whole lot.

Here's the newest pile of goodness:

Love them every one.

Taking orders !~!

Kimmie, yours are in process; I'll let you know when they go into the post.

Linking up with Sarah's Can I Get a Whoop Whoop and Richard and Tanya's LAFF, a new-to-me link-up: Show & Tell Monday with Bambi and Kelly's NTT.