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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April Wrap up

Projects Completed

A number of sewing projects have been hanging fire-this month was finish some of them off without starting new ones. How'd that go?

Well, let's start with two wide lengths of a soft, pastel, spring bedding for me now that Diamonds is too warm.

Both needed hemming on the two non-selvage ends.

So that went well and wasn't nearly as complex as I anticipated. I didn't try the iron, being unsure exactly what the fabric is, so I turned it under twice, pinned and went for broke on the machine. It worked out fine.

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Then there were a couple pieces that I had "finished" and yet had never tied. So I dug those out from under the Baby and did just that. Tied and finished two more of my favorites. No, three... 

Hello memory, come home for lunch sometime ok !~!

So it was Denim & Batik, Holland/Myra, and Components that got their final touches in the last week. All tied with purple cotton I have used for all tying projects so far. What will I do when my only spool runs dry ?~!

Denim & Batik


Components Throw
All three tied and knotted with my ubiquitous purple cotton thread.

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~ Not Finished Yet ~

Mountain Steps hung in my living room window for some months until I got it batted and backed. Now it's binding time. My girlfriend, PLM, found a treasure of old bindings in a thrift store and gifted me a fistful of packages. 

Among them is the Navy I use here.

Not a perfect match for the border fabric but hey,
 I'm all about mismatched and making do with what's available.

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Linking up to Barbara at Cat Patches FO party for April is this little gem I whipped together for Ginger.
Readers of my blog have met her-she'll be four in August and this is a gift for her for her doll blanket collection. She is one of the most together three-year-olds I have ever met. She asks me for some of my work each time she comes over to be babysat-never too shy to ask for a piece she sees that appeals. I have so much respect for her ability to ask for what she wants.
Doll Quilt for her birthday coming up Aug 26th.

And the gratuitous Burp shot. He's telling a mighty story here.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Moment for Boston

Thank you to the many who served and continue to serve.

Condolences to the bereaved.

Have we, as a nation, learned yet that we must share ?~!